archaeoastronomy database

Dividing the Year - Solstices, Equinoxes, Cross-Quarters

Archaeoastronomy Database Viewer Tool - Basic Overview

What is Archaeoastronomy?

Patterns of the Moon

Archaeoastronomy Database LOGO

The Basics of Archaeoastronomy Astronomy + Archeology DeDunking

Lunar & Solar Rise Angle & Azimuth Changes

Archaeoastronomy Database LIVE TEXT CHAT SESSION

Knowth Kerbstone 15 Calendar

Newgrange Sun Arc

Stellarium - Basic Settings from Archaeoastronomy Database

Newgrange Light Range II

Thornborough Henges - Astronomical Alignments

Neolithic Northern Solstice Proxies

Dowth - Possible Alignments Investigation

Ancient Light Crowdfunding Campaign Video

๐ŸŒŸ Precession of the Northern Skies

Beaghmore Stone Circles - Ancient Solstice Position with Lunar Proxy Observation

Patterns of the Sun

Stellarium Date System Mistakes

Carn Beg - Possible Alignment Investigation

Stellarium Markings

Lunar Standstills Horizon Markers Animation - Northern Moonrise

Sirius in Newgrange Roof Box